Stefano Aliprandi



    Monticelli C., Zanelli A., Aliprandi S., Pracchi V., Rosina E. (2016), The energy efficiency improvement of listed buildings through textile-based innovative system, In Advanced Building Skins Proceedings, Bern, Swiss,  - pp.192-202, ISBN:978-3-98120539-8

    Galliano R., Brunner S., Masera G., Zhao S., Stahl T., Wakili G., Aliprandi S., (2015), Hygrothermal Behaviour of Three Internal Retrofit Prototype Solutions in: Energy Procedia.

    Aliprandi S., Monticelli C., Zanelli A., (2015), Technical textiles and thin insulation materials. New scenarios for the energetic retrofitting, in Yan J. (Advisory Editor), Energy Procedia, Science Direct Elsevier n. 69, ISSN 1876-6102.

    Monticelli C., Aliprandi S., Giurdanella V., Viscuso S., Zanelli A., (2014), Rethinking waste: a temporary eco-structure built with second hand components, in: Proceedings of IASS 2014 (PP. 42 – 58). April 2014 ISBN: 978-80-01-0550-6.

    Monticelli C., Aliprandi S., Giurdanella V., Viscuso S., Zanelli A., (2013), Reuse of materials and components to build a temporary eco-structure, in: Proceedings of IASS, (PP 178), 23 - 27 September 2013, Wroclaw, Poland. ISBN: 978-83-7493-787–0.

    Masera G., Wakili K.G., Stahl T., Brunner S., Galliano R., Monticelli C., Aliprandi S., Zanelli A., Elesawy A., (2016), Development of a Super-insulating, Aerogel-based Textile Wallpaper for the Indoor Energy Retrofit of Existing Residential Buildings in: Energy Procedia (PP 1139 – 1149)

    Monticelli C., Giurdanella V., Aliprandi S., Viscuso S., Zanelli A., (2013), Life Cycle Assessment di un padiglione temporaneo: strategia virtuosa del riuso di componenti e prodotti, in: Proceedings of Rete italiana LCA, (PP 226 – 232). 27 - 28 June 2013, Milano, Italy. ISBN: 978-88-8286-292-3.

    Elesawy A. A., Aliprandi S., Monticelli C., Masera G., Zanelli A., (2013), Thermal performance of retrofitted envelopes with internal insulation: A comparative analysis, in: Proceedings of PLEA 2013, (PP 750 – 755). 10 - 12 September 2013, Monaco, Germany. ISBN: 978- 3-8167-9054-9.

    Zanelli A., Monticelli C., Aliprandi S., Viscuso S., (2013), The design and creation of a temporary textile pavilion at PoliMi, in: Proceedings of Tensinet symposium, (PP: 585 – 594). 8 - 10 May 2013, Istanbul, Turkey. ISBN: 9789072325068.

    Aliprandi S. (2011), Avanguardie di spessore. Dinamiche in evoluzione nell’uso dei materiali isolanti ad alto contenuto tecnologico, Elementi “Isolamento, Insulation”, pp: 26-31.




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